#062 - Relational transistions with disorganized attachment

#062 - Relational transistions with disorganized attachment

Have you ever noticed that when you're reuniting with your partner after being apart for the day or a few days that you feel a bit (or actually a lot!) anxious? Cognitively you know you love this person and enjoy being with them but you get a bit twitchy as you’re heading to see them? Then right as your about to reunite its really uncomfortable, you might feel confused or disoriented inside and maybe a little scared or angry? These are all signs that you might have some trouble with transitions, that this coming together could be an especially difficult time, and might explain why there is more fighting and feelings of disconnection during your reunions.

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#040 - Real Success Story: Interview with Boulder therapist, Karolina Walsh

#040 - Real Success Story: Interview with Boulder therapist, Karolina Walsh

I was interviewed by Becky DeGrossa from Counseling Wise, a private practice building company, about my journey to building a successful private practice and some of the lessons I've learned along the way. Also, a section on the importance of supervision, countertransference, and my experience being an LGBTQIA therapist. If you want to reach out with questions send an email here, via my Contact me page or check out my service for helping professionals to build your practice called Professional Confidence. Enjoy!

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#018 - Top 5 Indicators That You Rock at Being a Human

#018 - Top 5 Indicators That You Rock at Being a Human

If you are reading this you might feel like you are sucking at life right now, because if you were a really successful human you probably wouldn’t need me to tell you! Maybe you lost a job, a relationship, your clothes don’t fit right, or you are full of self-pity for the choices you made. Possibly you are looking for a pick-me-up and hope to find yourself in this list. Well if you are a human I guarantee you will find yourself in this list! Ok lets get started…

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#017 - And We Stop Kicking the Wheel...

#017 - And We Stop Kicking the Wheel...

Kicking the wheel goes something like this: We notice that our jaw is tight, for example, and then we say, “Oh my god I’m getting TMJ, and this is going to be really annoying and I’m going to have to go to someone to fix it. And you know who else has TMJ?! Mom! This is all her fault, she passes all her crap on to me and now I have to deal with this. Like my hips! One is higher than the other, just like her, ugh! I can not believe she passed this on to me!!” 

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