My path through life led me to Naropa University and a degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology. I served as a full-time clinical intern at Boulder Psychotherapy Institute, where Applied Existential Psychotherapy was pioneered by founder Betty Cannon. I was also introduced to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy work through the training The Role of Rhythm and Action in Brain Development, Attachment, and Trauma, inspiring me to pursue advanced studies at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. I have since had the privilege to participate as a clinical assistant in the Level 1: Affect Dysregulation, survival defenses, and traumatic memory training.
I found my passion in this field through leading wilderness therapy groups for adolescents and adults, facilitating their recovery process from drugs and alcohol. During this process I was inspired and moved by the innate healing potential of the client which emerges when supported by the therapeutic relationship.
I cherish and am grateful for the many experiences which have shaped my life and my therapeutic orientation. My personal and professional dedication to inner work has put me in the honored position of holding a solid container for the authentic experience of others.
“Karolina walks their talk, their ability to meet another in their capacities is sensational because Karolina has done their own work” -Diane Israel
"An effective therapist needs to do at least two things: be compassionate and provide constructive feedback that actually changes the way people experience the world. I see many therapists who can do one or the other. I routinely watch Karolina do both..." -Patrick Weeg