As simple as this game is, it is very profound. For starters, you will discover what position feels the most comfortable for you. Maybe you are super comfortable with Serving, but get all uncomfortable with Taking and feel like you are being selfish. Or, Accepting is great, but Allowing makes you feel like your being used. These are just some of the insights possible. What makes this game really helpful is the time limit. For example, if you’re exploring a position that is more edgy for you, there is safety in the time limit to open to the experience knowing it’s within a contained time span.
In my experience, one of the counter-intuitive thing about sex for people with sex anxiety is that arousal has to originate from the parasympathetic system and then transition to the sympathetic system as you get more excited and aroused. This game is a great way to allow for the parasympathetic nervous system to come online. Since it’s contained touch without the expectation of orgasm the system has the opportunity to relax. This may not happen the first time you play, or the second, but with practice, you will get more comfortable, trust your partner to stop at the 3 minutes, and that they will honor your boundaries. This will also support learning that you can honor your own and other’s boundaries too. With this trust, your system can relax. From this place of relaxation, arousal can arise more easefully.
Often, for those of us with sex anxiety, the sympathetic system is already chronically aroused (perhaps due to sexual shame and trauma), sex is associated too quickly with the sympathetic system, which can overload the nervous system and lead to freezing and dissociation during sex. Having a ton of sex where you aren’t really present for it, or pushing through to orgasm to “get through it” doesn’t help longer-term goals of satisfying, embodied sex.
No matter what your genitals are or your gender identity, there can be usefulness in exploring what it’s like to be more present for sexual and sensual touch. Utilizing some containment (i.e. 3 minute timer and clear touch boundaries) can be profoundly helpful to reduce dissociation, increase pleasure, and create relational safety so that more sexual freedom is possible. I wish you luck and if you give this a try, let me know how it goes!