You lie awake at night wondering: "Why did I say that?" "Why did they say that?" "What is wrong with me?" "Will I ever be ok?" "Everyone else has this all figured out, why don't I?" "How come no one wants to be with me?" "Will this anxiety/depression ever lift?" And so many other intrusive thoughts. You realize you're thinking these thoughts all day, but at night they really catch up with you. In the morning your thoughts wake you up and the barrage begins anew, always the same words, invoking the same hopeless and helpless feelings. You do what you can just to get out of bed wondering how life got so hard.
You know that if you had a better job, a better partner (or any partner!), a better kid, a better childhood, less trauma, a sexier body, nicer clothes, or more money then you would be ok. And yet when you get some of these things, or you can distract yourself sufficiently enough, the happiness is fleeting. Again you come back to that same lonely and hopeless place which seems like a constant companion.
The Solution: